All systems operational
This is Esendex US's status page, here you'll find the current status and incident history of Esendex US.
Don't agree with what's reported here? Contact us at [email protected].
SMS Notify V2 Operational
Binds Operational
SMS Operational
API Operational
MMS Operational
DLR Operational
Postbacks/Webhooks Operational
Dash Notify Operational
Website Operational
Binds Operational
SMS Operational
API Operational
MMS Operational
DLR Operational
Postbacks/Webhooks Operational
Phone Notify Operational
PTSN Operational
Bridge Operational
Inbound Operational
Outbound Operational
Numbers Service Operational
Website Operational
Postbacks/Webhooks Operational
Phone Verify API Operational
PAV API Operational
Client Admin portal Operational
% Uptime
90 days ago Today
Incident & maintenance history
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